Life with a Neurodivergent Brain

Step Into My World

My oncologist phoned me two days ago, which was one day after my last bone marrow biopsy. There were 30-40% blasts that had come back. I have a meeting with him to discuss the next step; it will be a more aggressive therapy than what I've been on. I will have to go back into the hospital for the first few treatments to see how I will react. I don't know if there are options, but I know the hospital is the last place I want to be. With bipolar disorder, some triggers can result in falling into a hole, the hole of depression. I fell fast. I cried, why me? How much more was I to be tested? Then I remembered I had my mother's strength and my father's stubbornness. If you ever step into my world, you know it can be devastatingly brutal to right yourself and go on. But my world also has support and professional help if yours doesn't bring some in for the next test because there always will be one.